Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some days, I love the age of 4!

So, I had to share this short little story...

Mark is out of town for a business trip for a few days. On Sunday night, he was giving the kids extra hugs, love and attention before bed so he could "stock up". Mark told Ty that he was the man of the house and that he had to take care of Mama. Ty asked "What do I need to do?" and I responded "I am going to need lots of Daddy hugs." Ty asked Mark to give him all the hugs so he could keep them for me...and that's when the hug-fest started. :)

Ty then looked up and said "Where am I going to keep all the hugs???" and I suggested "Why don't you keep them in your heart?" To which Ty responded, "That's great, it's right next to my imagination and I ALWAYS have that with me!!"

Adorable. Freakin' adorable. Yeah, I know, I am biased. Sue me. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this story! We are all SO blessed to have Ty and Lily in our lives! They are wonderful children..and I love them to death! Kiss the kiddos for me, and tell Ty that I am going to come watch one of his soccer games very soon! I love you all! -Lee-