Monday, August 24, 2009

Ty's first day of Kindergarten

To summarize, his teacher's name is Mrs. Kopycinski (Ms. K), they have less than 20 kids in the class and the school is fantastic. Ty's description of his day:
  • "It was OK, I mean, GREAT!"
  • "We practiced a lot off stuff today." (They learned how to buy food at the cafeteria with their "number".) "We learned how to go home from the gym."
  • "We ate lunch in the cafeteria!"
  • "All the teachers are really nice!"
  • "We didn't get to go on the playground." :(
  • "Tomorrow is science day!"
  • "We only had one kid who cried."
  • "Why do you want to keep talking about my day?"
And that was the end of our conversation about the day at school!

See this link to Jennifer's personal blog perspective:

All is back to normal here...Ty's watching animal shows, wearing his Star Wars shirt and playing with Lincoln Logs and Star Wars figurines. Life goes on...