Ty was listening while I talked on the phone today to a friend who was missing her mom who had passed away. When I hung up the phone, Ty asked why she was sad. I talked a little bit about death and how it makes people sad and then I asked him if
he would be sad if I died. He thought for a second and said, "No."
Stunned, I asked him why he would not. He answered, "Because I would still have Daddy."
Well, of course, that makes perfect sense. I then asked him if he thought Daddy would be sad without me. He responded, "Well, Daddy would be sad because he wouldn't have a wife anymore, but Daddy would have me. I can help him with all the things that you do."
Mama: "Well, what would you help Daddy with?"
Ty: "I could help with the folding. You fold a lot of things."
I will sleep better tonight knowing that if something happened to me, Mark would be OK since Ty would handle the folding. Ahh...the innocence. :)